
McDonald's Playland

1:56 AM
  from top to bottom:Giant McDonald's Playland at Circular Quay, built for McDonald's TV commercial purpose .was held from 26-30 March 2010 by DDB Sydney / Revolver My role in this project: I was assigned to recreate a brand new logo for McDonald's Playland, which originally was created in US years ago, with a playful kiddie look & feel. Since its for australian...


3D illustration

When You Need More Golf

1:07 AM
  Above is ads for VW Golf Wagon "When you need more golf"The idea was done by Simon Johnson, Charlie Cook, & Erwin Santoso.under direction of Mark Harricks. 3D Illustration was done by Red Ape  My role was helping the creative team in the early stage in developing this idea such as sketches, icon illustration, and layout design. Courtesy for DDB Sydney. ...



Life Lesson

2:58 PM
Saturday was day two of Semi Permanent. I enjoyed breaking down day one into Life Lessons, and it helped to summarise the message each speaker had to share. So I will do the same again for day two, speaker by speaker. tin&ed: - There is art and form in everyday objects and materials. Let the materials speak. - Collaboration is key. Recent work...



farewell card for peeps

4:08 AM
this logo is meant to be for client work & it becomes the biggest jokebecause of its shape and imperfect drawing, since it was for mocked upso I did it very quickly to get the look and feel..but it seems like this logo have dualism meaning.what do you think the shape reminds you of? hehe..however I have to fix it, for the sake...


book design

farewell for now

3:51 AM
pic from top to bottom:4 months has passed by so quickly...I am terribly going to miss this place,especially going to miss the people for sure..wish that time stops in a momentSo this is the snapshot of the craft dept day & night( always dark n full of mystery )only the loud music plays on the background...I'm holding the officer big mac illos.. my...



Visual Expression

9:45 PM
Visual style:The picture was made of my favorite things as well as my aspirationto be an artist and designer. The main focus for this picture is placedon the apple that symbolizes my favorite place which is the bigapple (New York). It is a dream place that I would love to live in thenear future. The slice of apple represents a small part of...



My new logo

9:42 PM
The handwritten cursive font was a design based on my ownhandwriting and it related to me as an illustrator. It is an expressionof freedom of movement.The font is originally designed to have some flexibility to beindependent, the ‘A’ can be used on it’s own.The curve represents the crafty side of me in a simple decorativestyle. The logo is fun, friendly, cheeky and positive....


rules inspiration

The TED Commandments

5:49 AM

