We always thought of design as being so much more than just the way something looks. Its the whole thing, the way something actually work in so many different levels. Ultimately of course, design defines so much about experience. I think there's a profound and enduring beauty in simplicity, in clarity, in efficiency. Through simplicity is derived from so much more than just the absence...
My first experiment for fabric pattern design First design was for Spoonflower "Love Letter" weekly contest It didn't won anything.. however its an interesting experience. The second image is just an improvement from the first one...I'll create some more to understand about pattern design. ...
pitch project for Crowdspring clientele I didn't won any award, but I have a good time on the process My concept is a nostalgic experience during late munch when you have overtime at work or spending some quality time with friends or your loved ones. =) ...
Client: AP Boots Illustration and Design Layout ...
The Brief: Creating an Olympic suporter costume in 200 years to come. Country selection: Japan/ South Africa/ German/ Brazil The concept behind the making of the costume: Japan has long symbolized richness in diversity and culture. Although it is known for innovation and fascination with cutting edge technology, there is still respect and value for their traditional culture. The concept behind the Japan...