Writer Seth Godin explains why it’s absolutely fine if you steal his ideas … you have to promise to make them better. Please don’t steal my car. If you drive away with it, I won’t have it any more, which is a real hassle. Please don’t steal my identity or my reputation either. Neither travels well, and all the time you’re using it, you’re degrading...
Have a magical Christmas, Magical Year, Magical You! I think You are Magic! ...
"For they could not love you But still your love was true And when no hope was left in sight On that starry, starry night" - Starry Starry Night ...
Apakah furnitur itu cukup "sejiwa" dengan pengalaman minum kopi? -Dee Lestari, Filosofi Kopi ...
“Again and again I will suffer; again and again I will get back on my feet. I will not be defeated. I won't let my spirit be destroyed.” ― Banana Yoshimoto ...