farewell card

farewell greetings card

9:39 AM
old skool greetings card I made for a friend whose going for goodto their home country after 7 years in Sydney.Aideu Richard, Grace, & Baby Johanes. ...


cut and paste sydney

Henna Tatto for Wedding

7:55 AM
Above is my draft ideas for cut & paste syd competitionCut& Paste brief theme: Sweet as...Purpose: TattooFirst image:this is the similar image that I produced during the cut&paste compthis one is just part of my exercise at home and its longer than 15 minsSecond image:This is the image that I would like to make in the competitionBut in the end I didn't do...


cut and paste sydney

cut and paste

2:36 AM
my first concept: Love is the ultimate bliss.Idea derives from the bible that said: two are better than one( I used this idea for the trial test today, I felt the idea is stronger and simpler,I used B&W color instead pink and blue.)my second concept: Bliss founds when you helping othersideas derived from classic video game story line and the book "captivating".Both pictures...


