Henna Tatto for Wedding
7:55 AM
Above is my draft ideas for cut & paste syd competition
Cut& Paste brief theme: Sweet as...Purpose: Tattoo
First image:
this is the similar image that I produced during the cut&paste comp
this one is just part of my exercise at home and its longer than 15 mins
Second image:
This is the image that I would like to make in the competition
But in the end I didn't do this.. It was taking too long for 15mins game.
Instead I drew the first image above
I didn't get through to the 2nd round.
However it was a great experience to be there and be a part of it.
Congrats for all the winners syd 09 cut and paste
Have fun in NYC! looking fwd for the global competition.
PS. Thanks for everyone for all your support & prayers!
Check out the cut&paste sydney 09 winners:
2D Design
3D Design
Motion Graphic